He was my therapy dog, coming to work with me when I managed a youth drop in, when walking the Northern streets as a reconnect worker and he was my bridge to many an emotionally shut down child. In his way he would tell me when someone was angry or upset and needing someone to listen. He leaned on many a tearful youth, letting them just hold on because "Grizzly always loves me" (I've heard more than once). He could cross lines that as a professional, I couldn't.
Eight years ago today, I had to suddenly say good bye to my Grizz. He had a reaction to his shots, that he had two weeks prior. You see, animals much like children, can compensate or maintain when sick (in shock) and then suddenly fail. I wish I knew than what I know now about checking vitals and such after medical procedures. Or that titre tests are available for our pets instead of just getting their shots every year (never again).
Alor, hugging Quincy lots today, thinking of Grizzly.