With so many foods, drinks and gums out there that are sugar free the exposure and number of cases of Xylitol poisoning has increased incredibly over the years. Take some time and watch this clip shared by the Pet Poison Helpline on the symptoms and treatment. As prevention, please watch your pets around food, garbage and even just on the ground. Just think how much gum there is spat out on the ground. Yuck. Please discard of your gum in a safe manner so an animal can't eat it.
DERAMAXX, DERACOXIB, RIMADYL, CARPROFEN (many different names) Last week, Myloe, a lovely Catahoula in Colorado got a hold of a bottle of Rimadyl and ate it. destroyed the bottle and ate them. You see, they are large tablets flavoured like beef so he would like them. I remembered how Skye had once been on a similar anti-inflammitory when she cut her paw last summer and she ate her doses like they were a treat. Poor Myloe has been in the ICU for a few days now and is still not out of the woods. Whether it's canine medicine, perscription, over the counter, human or any other kind of drug, it's so important to keep them safely away from your animals. Think of the precautions used with children and remember how a pets adventuresume abilities can go places you never thought they could. That's right, if you never thought they could get somewhere, and then they do, that could equal an emergency situation as it did with Myloe. This is where preparation helps, take a canine first aid course (DOGSAFE) have your vets info in or by your phone and have the Pet Poison Control number handy. Have the ap on your phone (it's very informative as a first go to). 1-855-764-7661 There is a $49 USD charge but lets face it, if you need it who cares, just have a credit card handy. Other info you'll need handy include; what the poison is or could posibly be; time of poison exposure; amount of or length of time exposed; weight of animal; have they vomited?; no doubt there's more but that's what I have on the top of my head. Check out their wesite www.petpoisonhelpline.com Quincy, Skye and myself are sending prayers to Myloe and his family, be your stubborn self as all Catahoulas are Myloe and get well.
August 2021
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