Personally, having been a member of PEPP and SAR for many years in the past I do have enough equipment, food and essentials for both Quincy and I (and half the neighbourhood ) in our house, all in the garage. I have been worried about not having access to the garage in case of an earthquake, my house being a three level townhouse. Living in a strata also puts restraints on what I can keep in my back yard which is considered "common area". Well, today I've come up with my plan. I'll be building two 3'x3'x2' mini sheds and I'll be painting them to match the strata fencing. One will house my garbage can (which Strata also doesn't like outside) and the other my disaster kits (one for me and one for Quincy).
Check out this site for the CanadianDisasterAnimalResponseTeam (CDART), they provide great information of how to be ready for evacuations and other emergencies with all your various animals. http://www.cdart.org/beprepared.htm Our Government of Canada webpage also has some great info for you http://www.getprepared.gc.ca/cnt/plns/ptsndsrvcnmls-eng.aspx
So, let's all get of our keesters and get ready! Murphy's Law, if we're ready we won't need them. We can hope :)