A few things to note this year, firstly, anyone who registers and pays for any of the scheduled Dogsafe Level One classes will not only get a 10% discount but the choice of one of the four preselected charities for K9ABCs to donate $10 to on your behalf.
Second, we've been asked to do our presentation,"Canine First Aid; Don't Learn it by Accident" again this year, yay!! This is a 30 min presentation on prevention, all the way from puppy's to seniors and a whole lot in between. On the Seminar Stage Sunday at 3pm
Third, we're doing a second seminar!! A hands on demo and practice of canine CPR. Yes, hands on, manikins. Come give it a try. Note: this will be oriented around Canine CPR but is not a lot different from other species. Let's face it, if you're at the point of choosing CPR, any CPR is better than no CPR. On the Seminar Stage Saturday 11:30am
It's also worth mentioning that you'll will see and hear that they're allowing the public to bring their own dogs to the show this year. Please please please do not do this without thought. Because there will be a lot of people doing it without thought who do not really know how to read the necessary signs in animals to avoid confrontations. Just saying.